
Swapping BNB for MSS is the best way to get your MSS tokens when the Swap price is cheaper than the mint price. Check this on the mint page.

Swap page: https://www.mintstakeshare.com/buy

Tokens Details

Contract Address: 0xf0f14cbd7ce6753bc209eb0d8f67fc84cccb9b2f

Network: BNB Chain

Buy Tax: 4% (Use our dapp for 3%)

Sell Tax: 12% (Use our dapp for 9%)

Swapping BNB for MSS

The recommended way to swap BNB for MSS is using the built in swap on the MSS Dapp.

When using the MSS Swap on Dapp, there are a few key differences from using PancakeSwap directly:

  • The regular 4% buy tax is waived/removed, but instead, 3% is used for a 1% buy & burn + 2% referral in BNB

  • The 12% sales tax is reduced to 9%. 3% for burn, 6% to be handled as normal for LP

  • No need to worry about slippage/tax with our swap. The output of MSS shown is what you will receive.

Other Ways to Swap

You can swap tokens for MSS using numerous other platforms, such as Flooz.xyz, XY.Finance, Pancakeswap.Finance, and more.

Ensure to set slippage high enough to accomodate the buy/sell taxes when using other platforms. 4.5% slippage for the 4% buy tax will work

Flooz.xyz: https://www.flooz.xyz/MintStakeShare

XY.Finance: https://app.xy.finance

PancakeSwap: https://pancakeswap.finance

Last updated